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We all need a MAP, including myself.

All the successes I have achieved, all my skills I have achieved was possibile by use a MAP.

You're wondering, what are you talking about?


It may seem strange but a Map can solve many problems of organization, especially when trying to realize a great dream, a great project.


I also do not hide another very important skill to make your dreams come true.

This skill is called MOTIVATION.


But let's go back to the MAP for now.


You must have clear ideas Friend / my, the confusion does not help, especially in. this phase.

What do you want to achieve in the next 2/3 months?


A new menu for your restaurant?

Do you want to make a new mixing technique?

Do you want to learn a new Flair movement?


Once you have chosen the OBJECTIVE you want to achieve, the next step is to create a MAP.


The use of a MAP goes beyond setting goals; change the emotional meaning of things by creating a stronger link to the result, making it more likely to achieve the goal you have.


GooD '? Or GooD?


I want to give you a gift to make the MAP that you will create easier.

This gift is a simple exercise, but it will take you to a great awareness, making everything even simpler and clearer.


Exercise: do you promise to change?


Complete your massive action plan in the chart below to help you stay on track.


1 Write down the results you want to get.

2 Write down your purpose (compelling reasons you want to achieve your goals).

3 Develop a sequence of priority actions.


Download your Action Map below, and start your new and beautiful journey.


I also inform you that my new LAB is open in Turin, where I share

2 Master Class.

Click on the Master Class that most interests you and learn more information.

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