Aperitif time, the magical moment in which people relax by drinking low-alcohol cocktails, before an evening, is a ritual that continues to spread more and more, it starts from Italy and over the years it is getting more and more developing all over the world ..
"Derived from Latin, aperitif means" to open "both the appetite and the evening," says Rebekah Peppler, author of Apéritif: Cocktail Hour the French Way.
Generally the category of aperitifs have the function of opening the stomach before going to dinner or lunch.
Taking inspiration from the Italian tradition, drinks such as Negroni, Americano and Spritz have become and are part of the definition of the aperitif par excellence.
But as you well know, the public is increasingly attentive and open to experimentation, and I and many other colleagues around the world, carefully try to create and define new alternatives / trends of ritual proposals for the aperitif.
I'm currently having a lot of fun, particularly using seasonality (think swapping Aperol for Cynar in a spritz).
I don't know what you're thinking, but I'm sure this take on the seasonal aperitif is teasing you.
The secret to begin with lies in the seasonal bases.
What are the ingredients for the territory and season we can approach here now?
I am in Piedmont and it is now October.
I chose the artichoke, I love it, it is an ingredient that if extracted with the right technique releases anexceptional taste and softness.
As an aperitif product I chose Beermouth, and to conclude I decided to top it all off with a touch of Fentimans tonic.
It is a cocktail of medium difficulty, dictated only by the preparation technique (Sous Vide), otherwise everything is very simple.
Build mixing technique (pour everything directly into the glass with ice, considering that the tonic will be the last ingredient to be poured)
Polenta, Beef, White Chocolate
I told you about the past, I shared a reinterpretation model of a classic, I made you look to the future.
Now it's up to you, do you want to keep elevating yourself, or you will be content with what you have read.
You must know that I share two Master Classes the first
Multisensory Cocktails and the secondCocktails Design
Il mio primo bicchiere di design, che rappresenta un uovo
Effetto WoW garantito,
resistente agli urti,
unico nel suo genere.
You can choose the one that suits you best, and keep improving,
as a person and as a professional.
I know you can find millions of pieces of information on the web, but as you know
living an experience is different than reading it.
Don't forget an important thing,
your professionalism is not a question of skill,
but it is a question of MOTIVATION.
This is the engine that moves your every decision, which leads you to do later every night to research and improve yourself.