It is the characteristic ritual phrase, during the Halloween period
In the 1800s, Irish and Scottish immigrants brought their Halloween traditions to North America.
Since then, the holiday has evolved tremendously.
The holidays related to All Saints and The Day of the Dead have gradually become less and less important, to give way to celebrations emptied of their religious meaning and more aimed at fun.
In the USA and Canada it is a widespread tradition among children to leave the house in disguise and ask neighbors for sweets with the famous trick-or-treat formula.
Woe to those who are caught unprepared.
Inspired by Halloween,
I did research, and sprinkled a celebratory cake, the Soul Cake. (soul cake)
Ingredients: bread, raisins and currants.
By connecting to Soul Cake and hooking on Irish traditionalism I have created a whole new cocktail that I am thrilled to share with you.
Roe & Co
currant leaf extract.
Soda brad with sultana raisins
Technique and quantity I leave them at your discretion, as you already know the gustavi profiles change from place to place.
As usual, in this celebration, DRY ICE is often bought.
It is very important, indeed of vital importance that your customers do not ingest it.
Ingesting Dry ice means seriously compromising your client's health, or worse bringing him to death, I AM NOT KIDDING !!
I wish you a more than excited HALLOWEEN
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